If you are over 21 and are someone good at flash animation, I could really use your help! I'm graduating in a year and I have to complete a project. I chose animation for my topic and I need someone to write down as my mentor or teacher. It requires a total of 15 hours of communication, through use of emails, IM, or even on the phone. Technically as long as I learn some every now and then, it doesn't have to be 15 hours. Also I am hoping to collaborate with the mentor to make a short animation for my final product. However the main product will be a demonstration of my progress in animation as I become more familiar with the program. I use Flash CS4 btw. :P
Anyone who helps would be greatly appreciated, and I appreciate anyone who responds.
Thanks guys,
Is the '21' really necessary?
Sadly, it is as far as i know, I haven't tried to argue about it yet.